
Gift Suggestions for the Man in Your Life

Looking for the perfect gift for your husband, grandfather, or adult son? No worries, Visit Lodi! has suggestions for local Lodi gifts for the man in your life!

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Why Lodi Is the Most Exciting US Wine Region You’ve Never Heard of

Some young and approaching cult-level status with their “cool-kid” followings—have noticed the potential of the region and have bought vineyards here or are sourcing fruit for their own labels. Together, they’re producing a fascinating range of Lodi wines, with bright, aromatic character profiles that are themselves somewhat shocking, especially if your reference point is the now-dated big, ripe fruit bomb.

A Night Out in Lodi

If you’re looking for a vibrant, fun and exciting nightlife scene, you’ve found your next vacation destination! There are plenty of things to do after dark and lots of options for you night owls.